Quantum Jumping Service:There is a lot of garbage on the Internet about Quantum Jumping. All the Quantum Jumping on the Internet as sold as a psychic service or consultancy is bogus. Only Tim Rifat is the world expert in psychic applications of Quantum Jumping; the world’s leading scientific expert who came up with Hyperinfinity collapse of Quantum Wave Functions – the so called Quantum Jumping.
Tim Rifat is the only entrepreneur scientist that holds Trademarks in Mind Over Matter®, Supernatural Spirit®, Psychotronic Generators®, Bone Generators® (the mechanism for Quantum Jumping via Hyperinfinity), Sublime Good®, Psychotronic Crystals®, Psychotronic Crystalware® in Psychic Consultancy; which via Hyperinfinity, fully defines and encapsulates Quantum Jumping. All others advertising Quantum Jumping are fraudsters, conmen or government disinformation agents such as: Paul Hughes aka Graham Nickels and Lifetech.org, Mystical Wonders.org (see warnings)What is Quantum Jumping? Quantum Wave Functions are probability wave functions that spread out the Subatomic world as wave. Quantum Jumping occurs when the Quantum Wave Function collapses to form particles; wave to particle. There are many theories as to how and why Quantum Jumping occurs, none explain the how and why. Only from Tim Rifat the scientist, that specialises in Psi and the Occult Matrix, does a full explanation come.
This is Hyperinfinity (see the Bone Generator® Service on www.supernaturalspirit.com) to Quantum Jump you need Hyperinfinity. This only comes from Bone Generators® and Psychotronic Generators® as surplus Hyperinfinity resevoirs to influence Quantum Jumping consciously. Without them you cannot do controlled Quantum Jumping; you get the Chaotic Quantum Jumping that makes up the Chaos Evil of the Matrix. Quantum Wave Functions are collapsed in Matrix Quantum Jumping, keeping you in the box.
The Archons use Quantum Jumping to imprison the human in the prison box of the wageslave. In this Service you get the Archon’s power over Quantum Jumping.
Each of these Archon power Services can be bought seperately, but since they form only a small part of this Service, the full Quantum Jumping Service gives total control over Quantum Jumping by adding Bone Generators®; Hyperinfinity as well as Psychotronic Crystals®, Psychotronic Generators® Devic Hyperinfinity as well as Psychotronic Crystalware® for Replicant Version Hyperinfinity.A) The Talking Bone Generator® to control the Hyperinfinity given off by the talking animals to be used by the Psi-Master. For use in your left hand (receive) right hand (to give) Bone Generators®. As 7 billion human animals talk incessantly to collapse Quantum Jumping to form the Matrix, the energy and Hyperinfinity to be used are vast. Cost $600B) Suck dry the Talking Animals Real Vampire® In this Real Vampire® Service your Vampire feeds off the talk of the animals. This gives you the energy they expend to feed your Vampire® body. Also it gives you the power of VOICE.
It makes your Voice collapse Quantum Wave Functions to create the reality you want. Sequestered Voice wageslaves used as Tulpas, Quantum Wave Functions collapsed by 7 billion slaves talking. Hyperinfinity to form the reality now yours a la Vampire®, wants automatic so you get the power Tim Rifat has displayed on US national radio. His talks collapse by Quantum Jumping the world he wants – Vampire® world. A world fit for Vampires®, the West in a dark age fit for Vampires® $600C: Profanity Bone Generator® The human’s speech has devolved as have the humans to uttering profanity, swear words as the basics of all speech. This generates a lot of emotional energy to feed the Psi-Master by means of Bone Generators®.
The more slaves swear, the more energy you get. As films are full of swearing, comics spout F words with every sentance, Twitter and the rest of the Internet are 140 word vocabularies of profanity, for the Chaotic talking animals, the energy supply is massive. All emotional energy sucked off slaves and given to Vampires®.
$600D: Profane Real Vampire® In this Service the Vampire® feeds off the evil Insectile that spouts the profanity as the foreign installation in the slaves mind. Your Vampire® sucks these originators of swearing sucking them dry automatically. As they are the evil mind of Man, and humanity is devolving to Total Evil as their human Minds erode to nothing; this Real Vampire® boosts your power dramatically, fed by the descent of human Minds to Profane Total Evil Insectile Takeover. An automatic Service to power all your Vampire® powers. $600E: Nightmare Bone Generator® Service: Humans constantly have nightmares.
Since when you dream DNA teleportation occurs. So all humans who have nightmares caused by the Insectile Chaos Entities, DNA teleportation dumps replication version DNA to age you and make broadcasters. In this Service you get immune to Insectile nightmare Archon weapon system broadcast by the nightmare victim.
Since nightmare broadcasters turn the world via DNA teleportation into an iller, more aged, more evil place. To protect yourself against this Archon evil Quantum Jumping you need this Bone Generator® Service. It stops nightmares from others becoming real in your life via DNA teleportation and Quantum Jumping you into an evil nightmare life. $600F: Nightmare Feeding Real Vampire® In this Service your Vampire® feeds off the nightmares that generate intense emotional energy from humans fed on by Archons. The Vampire® sublimes nightmares to give you pure emotional energy from the 7 billion humans that dump the highest, most valuable emotional energy are given by nightmare victims.
You give the toxic waste to the nightmare feeders, the Archon, while you as the Real Vampire® are fed with the elixir of life, nectar of the Gods for the Vampire®. This Service is the food of the Gods, now the Sublime Good® food-stuff to turn Real Vampires® to their God-form. All done automatically.
$600Now why is talking so important to Quantum Jumping? The 7 billion talking animals to not act as Copenhagen Interpretation Observers to collapse the Quantum Wave Functions. They talk about the things told to turn them by the Insectile in their energy body, called the Human Mind; or Mr Gold in the film: Revolver by Guy Ritchie, the insane voice in your head. This dictates a list of what does and what does not exist – endlessly, 24/7. So the Quantum Wave Function has only collapsed the aspects the Insectiles want to be made manifest. All the other things that exist and are a danger to the Insectile Archons, are rendered non manifest by the insane chatter of the talking animals. Now with the advent of Quantum Jumping on the internet, what is happening?
Quantum Jumping Amazon
Talking about Quantum Jumping on the British and American Government run Satanic sites such as Mystical Wonders.org we see fraudsters advertising Quantum Jumping. What is going on? The Illuminati desperately want to master Quantum Jumping. So they get the dumb talking animals to give time and energy to the Quantum Jumping bogus sites to collect Hyperinfinity which the Illuminati want to use for their own attempts at Quantum Jumping. Why is Quantum Jumping so vital to the Illuminati? In Quantum Jumping you can decollapse the Quantum Wave Function of the time-line you are on and collapse a New Wave Function to reach a new time-line. Go from a time-line of poverty to a time-line of riches.